About Us

Land trusts are community-based groups whose members work to permanently protect open space, including farms, fields, woodlands and riverways. This can be done in several ways, including buying land or purchasing the rights to prevent future development on a site. Sometimes people donate land or future land rights to a land trust out of a desire to preserve the quality of their community and environment. Most often, land trusts facilitate the transition of property ownership; they are not land banks.

The East Quabbin Land Trust (EQLT) began in 1994 because of concern for the loss of farmland and wildlife habitat to unplanned sprawl in and around Hardwick. Since 1998, EQLT has expanded its protection efforts to Barre, Petersham, New Braintree and other nearby towns. By working cooperatively with property owners, government agencies, conservation groups and other land trust organizations, the Land Trust has been able to protect over 2,500 acres!

Our Mission

The East Quabbin Land Trust works to foster the sustainable use of our natural and historic resources for the benefit of all generations through the conservation and stewardship of the farmlands, woodlands and waters in our region of Massachusetts.

Our Board of Directors

Name Town
2008-2009 Role
Stan White Hardwick
Martha Klassanos Ware
Vice President
Chris Buelow Hardwick
Jerry Reilly Hardwick
Magi Durham Ziff New Braintree
Jeff Schaaf Wheelwright
Ginny Rich Barre
Terrence Briggs Hardwick
Rick Romano Hardwick
Judith Jones New Braintree
Mick Huppert Petersham
Cynthia Henshaw Templeton
Executive Director

Our Staff

Name Position
Patti Rich Bookkeeper

About Land Trusts

What is a Land Trust?
Are land trusts government agencies?
So, what are the advantages of working with a land trust?
What does a land trust do?
I first heard about land trusts just a few years ago. Are they new?

What has contributed to the huge growth in the number of land trusts?

120 RIDGE ROAD   |   PO BOX 5   |   HARDWICK, MA 01037   |   PHONE 413.477.8229   |   [email protected]